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Predatory and Psychopathic





Predatory and Psychopathic Criminals

Psychopaths can be considered and defined as individuals who lacks empathy and understanding of feeling for others. They are free of regrets of any wrong doings they may execute (Siegel and Victoroff). They often make word choices while talking about their deeds and usually are found being dishonest and acting (emotions) to manipulate others for their own ease.

Predatory violence in considered to be different from general offending because psychologists highlight predators as a psychopath patient (Wright, Tibbetts and Daigle). Research has shown that, few offenders, which are related to predators are categorized as serial murders (killing people in a bad aspects), rape and inflammable. It is illustrated psychopaths' behavior have some predatory qualities as well (Siegel and Victoroff). Furthermore, it is highlighted that, psychopathic offenders are also in charge for a disproportionate amount of crime they do because they serves as an overwhelming obstruct for impartiality.

Predators are those individuals who create so much violence by killing humans or those crimes are called predators crime which involves violence with a human such as robbery or rape (Wright, Tibbetts and Daigle). Such type of violence leads towards death of humans, therefore, they are different from other forms of violence. Scholars have argued that, general offenders are influenced by social factors, cultural or environmental. Predators use the forward cortex, which involved planning of the crime. While, psychopathy is one of the antisocial behavior towards individuals which tends to be persistent offenders. Psychopathy is a personality disorder (mental) which is related to emotional or social factors.

This study represents a clear vision of psychopathy who turn to be persistent offenders because they lack in cognitive, emotional or social functions which leads them to maladaptive behavior (Wright, Tibbetts and Daigle). Because of the mental disorder majority of individuals who commit violent crimes are considered to be Psychopathy. Furthermore, serial offenders are those individuals who are involved in violence and they are recognized by their act such as ritualistic behavior, compulsivity,  suicidal frequencies, background of assaults, hypersexuality, background of drug abuse or weapon tendencies.

These characterized they differ from general offenders because serial offenders always lead the crime to the death (Wright, Tibbetts and Daigle). The background of serial offenders shows that they suffered from physical abuse in their childhood or abandon by their parents, however, because of these reasons they suffer from hyper depression which make them violent. Research has believed that, individual who commit crime is regarded as constantly purposive, while the psychopath are considered to be barely purposive (Siegel and Victoroff). Such background of the individuals is related to psychopathy and it plays a major role in criminal behavior.

Because of the bad memories or abusive childhood most of the individuals lead towards this path of crime (Siegel and Victoroff). Psychopathy is not only linked to criminal behavior, but it is also linked with criminal recidivism because of the persevering and enduring grouping of interpersonal, emotional and behavioral characteristics that stresses the disorder.

It is concluded that the prediction of violence, criminal activity and criminal behavior is possible, even after knowing that the variations of psychopathy can be complexed and different in various situations as the psychopathic symptoms are related to crimes (Wright, Tibbetts and Daigle). This is why the researches link the past behavior with future. Psychopathy behaviors can be observed hence it is valid to use it as an imperative way to point out criminal behaviors.


Works cited

Siegel, Allan, and Jeff Victoroff. 'Understanding Human Aggression: New Insights From Neuroscience'.International journal of law and psychiatry 32.4 (2009): 209--215. Print.

Wright, John Paul, Stephen G Tibbetts, and Leah E Daigle. Criminals In The Making. 1st ed. Los Angeles: Sage, 2008. Print.


Research Paper:

Number of pages



24 hours

Academic level


Subject area

Biosocial criminology



Number of references


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