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Compare and contrast definition

Content 15

The information contained in this document assists you to understand compare and contrast paragraph essays. You can generate your preferable list of similarities and differences. Thereafter, you can choose the similarities and differences that you can focus on. Organize the whole document in a clear and compelling fashion. What is done is to define compare and contrast papers. There are various assignments that you can face when you join an educational institution. One of the standard documents is the comparison and contrast document. As a writer, you receive different instructions from your lecturers and professors. They challenge you to make connections between the ideas, thoughts, and facts that will support your thesis.


Critical thinking is vital in the writing process of this document. This assists you to gain deeper understanding of the comparison items. You also get to understand the relationship that they have to each other, and their importance. In summary, this is the definition of compare and contrast essays. Some of the academic tasks use direct words such as contrast, compare, differences and similarities. They make it easier for you to recognize that it is a compare and contrast paper you are dealing with. Comparison and contrast definition assignments can ask for the comparison only. Other tasks ask for the contrast only, and others ask for both together. Sometimes the assignment might require that you evaluate your arguments after you compare and contrast them.

Purpose of the Essay

The compare and contrast format provides you with techniques that you can use to pre-write your work. Use a Venn diagram to make the essay effective. It involves drawing circles that overlap one another. One circle represents the differences of product A, while the other circle represents differences of product B. Where they overlap in the center, you list items of similarities.

In the compare and contrast introduction it is vital that you ask yourself the following questions. They include who? Where? When? How? Why? etc. When you are also discussing objects, you should consider properties such as sound, smell, texture, taste, size, shape, color, location and duration among others. As you are also thinking about the themes that you can use on your opening paragraphs, you should also remember the compare and contrast conclusion.

The Essay Themes

  • Historical events and periods - When you decide to use this theme you should consider the dates and timeline of the event(s) you are discussing. The document should also have the changes that occurred in each timeline, and their significance. In the history, there are also people involved, and they also form relationships. Discuss their virtues and values too.  The political situation of the era, and the challenges and consequences that arose later.  The compare and contrast conclusion should contain the recommendations, solutions and your stand on the topic discussed.
  • Two Theories/Ideas - You are required to find out where they originated from, and what they are about. The creators and authors of the theories are also fundamental and should be included in the writing process. You should also discuss the central information received from the theories, and the conclusions offered. It is also vital to provide content on whether the principles are still implemented in the current times to situations, people and things. When asked to define comparison and contrast essay, you are going to have a broad scope of ideas and methods to choose from.
  • Two Writing Pieces/Art - The art world and the writing world are complex industries.  When you want to narrow down the two academic worlds, summarize using compare and contrast paragraph topics. For the art you can describe their tone, mood, form, artist, themes addressed, quality and others. For writing, you can describe the setting, the tone, theme, narration used, characterization and plot.
  • Two Persons - With this theme you can base your decisions on age, race, gender, social class and others. Other aspects that you can consider are the relationships formed, what they did, what they believed and others.

With the compare and contrast paper format you must decide what to focus on. Once you generate your draft list of similarities and differences, you should make decisions. The decisions should be based on the relevance, interest and importance of the topic.